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A Bit About Me

A three-year journey to find my normal day.


They say life is short and to follow your dreams. So, in the summer of 2019, I did exactly that and started writing Just a Normal Day. Never in my wildest dreams did I expect the direction my writing journey would take me, or that my life would dramatically change (for the better).

A year into writing, I left a dead-end job in Ottawa, and moved an hour south to the small town of Prescott. I bravely endured more rounds of COVID lockdowns, continued to write, briefly drove a school bus, did a stint at the Brockville Walmart (one of the best employers ever!), kept on writing, and seven drafts and too many editing challenges later, Just a Normal Day was, WHEW!, finally ready for the printer.  Without a doubt the hardest, and most rewarding, experience of my life.

Just a Normal Day is now available on Amazon and in many Ottawa and Peterborough area bookstores and bars, along with Eastern Ontario Public Libraries. And that's not even the life-changing part. 

That part is where I am today. Yes, I am a published author, one heck of an achievement, but more importantly, I have found my true calling. I am writing my next book, Tara, based on my school bus experience, developing a sequel to Just a Normal Day, and teaching writing and helping aspiring writers/authors achieve their goals and dreams. 

Mark Twain said, "Write What You Know". 

Well, I would like to add to that.

"Live What You Know."

Live your "normal day" and be true to yourself and never let anyone take that away!

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